Save Endangered Animals from Certain Death in Texas

  • av: Beverly Whitt
  • mottagare: Texas Government - Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, Rick Perry, Greg Abbott

We have heard about canned hunting facilities all over the world, and now we need to conquer this problem at home. Texas has about 500 known canned hunting facilities that stretch across the state! Tell the new governor of Texas to stop this deplorable practice!

    Canned hunting is a problem worldwide, and in the United States, it is a problem in an estimated 28 states. Texas alone has about 500 canned hunting facilities.

    Canned hunting is a practice by which animals snatched from their families and are then bred for the sole purpose of being "hunted" by people who pay to shoot them in an enclosed pen. The animals don't stand a chance. And many of these animals are on the endangered species list. The ranchers get by with using endangered animals, because they are not importing them, they are breeding them on site.

     This is how they justify their practice. They argue that they are saving the endangered species by breeding them in large numbers. But this is a farce. They are breeding them for slaughter at over $8,000 a head to anyone who wants a rare animal pelt as a prize.

     And these animals spend so much time around humans as they are raised, that they often do not know to fear the people who intend to shoot them. They walk right into a slaughter.

     The YO ranch in Texas claims to have three endangered species: dama gazelles, addax deer, and scimitar-horned oryx (which are practically extinct in Africa). The owner claims he is saving the species, but even if these animals were turned loose into the wild, they would not survive. They have spent their whole lives near humans and out of their native African habitat. This is NOT conservation, this is massacre.

     Often these animals bleed out slowly and painfully because the "hunter" will not shoot it in the head. That would ruin the trophy.

    Texas has also removed the laws against hunting certain species of endangered animals for these hunting ranches. This must be repealed!

   Please sign this petition and send the message to the new governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, along with Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, that this is absolutely unaccaptable. We cannot allow this sort of heinous barbarism to occur! Please help the animals who are picked off at short range without a chance for survival.

Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Here are some Canned Hunting facts from the Humane Society of the US.

1. There are facilities that offer canned hunting remotely via internet.
2. The animals may come from private breeders, circuses, and zoos.
3. Critically endangered species are often at these facilities.

Please, sign and share this petition!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
The new governor of Texas will be sworn into office this month. Please send him the message that we know what his state is doing and we will not stand for it. Spread the word about this petition so that we can make a difference for the lions, gazelles, deer, and oryx who are bred for slaughter on these Texas ranches.
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