Hunters Slaughtered Another 20 Wolves. Why Aren’t They Protected By The Endangered Species Act?

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Yet again, innocent animals were killed for simply doing what animals are naturally inclined to do: roam within their habitat. This time, it was 20 gray wolves who wandered from the safety of Yellowstone across the park's northern border into Montana. Within just a few months, more wolves were killed in this corner of the country than in any single season since the species were reintroduced to the area over 25 years ago. 

Sign now to demand the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service relist wolves under the endangered species act!

In 2019, Trump decided he would work as hard as possible to move the beloved species closer to extinction, pushing to eliminate protections for wolves in the "lower 48." Since gray wolves were officially stripped of their federal protections in 2020, there has been a dramatic rise in instances of the majestic predators being killed by hunters. 

We cannot rely on state-by-state legislation to protect these wolves, in part because wolves, like so many megafauna, roam and wander across massive territories -- which include multiple states. Animals obviously do not understand the concept of human-created "borders," and should not suffer the consequences of arbitrarily drawn lines on maps. On top of that, we know that the Montana governor himself sidestepped the law for a chance to murder a wolf in 2021. How can we expect state legislatures to properly manage wildlife populations when their leaders are so committed to illegally killing innocent animals?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must act now to protect gray wolves by relisting them under the endangered species act! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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