Help STOP MR HATEM YAVUZ - Largest Seal Slaughterer Tycoon

  • av: Tracey Dengate & Leanne Green - Animal Awareness Australia
  • mottagare: President of Namibia His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingo, Hon. Frans Kapofi, Minister of Presidential Affairs, Bernhardt Esau, Minister of Fisheries in the Cabinet of Namibia, Mr Hatem Yavuz. Designers: Alexander Wang, Altuzarra, Arthur Galan, Balenciaga

Mr Hatem Yavuz and his partner run a Sydney based company called 'Hatem Yavuz Deri' which has a contract to purchase the skin of every single seal slaughtered in Namibia until 2019. Hatem has been reported as saying that he wears the title "The King of the Cull" with pride. Self-proclaimed "The King of Seal Killers", Mr Hatem Yavuz employs thousands in Namibia to slaughter young seals for his business as a "tycoon". He also harvests baby seals from Greenland and Canada and owns 60% of the seal fur market.
His factory in Istanbul sees over 130,000 seal skins each year.
This year another estimated 80,000 defenceless cape fur seal pups face a horrific slaughter just to line the pockets of already wealthy unscrupulous skin traders.
Mr Yavuz laughs proudly that women call him a "disgrace" for what he does by killing baby seals to keep his multi-million dollar empire alive. He has been reported as saying he "loves what he does".

This petition will be forwarded to the above recipients as listed, expressing our disgust at the seal massacre and the trade in fur. We are appealing for consideration for a change in what we acknowledge is a vast business empire but which now needs to cease. We respectfully request that the President of Namibia puts a stop to this cruel industry. The brutal exploitation of the beautiful seals of Namibia cannot continue.

How you can help:
Pledge to be fur free.
Always speak up when you see someone wearing fur. Every fur item purchased keeps the barbaric fur trade in business.
Please sign any petitions against seal slaughter and fur.

** Photo credit: PIXABAY

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