Since this is a long story, I will try to keep it brief. I am located in Quebec and was shocked on Sunday to hear a dog crying outside my apartment. The dog was tied up, had no dog tag, and was the skinniest dog I had ever seen. Realizing the dog was abandoned, I brought her inside and gave her food and water (she drank 3 FULL bowls). The dog spent a couple of hours with us before the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) came to collect her. In those two hours, I gave the dog some treats and she seemed to really warm up to me, going from scared and shaking, to tail waging and happy. The SPCA eventually came and we figured she would get the medical attention and care she needed by an organization that must care about animals, we were extremely wrong. The next day, I went to the SPCA to see her and give her attention, treats, and a walk.
The SPCA REFUSED under any circumstances to: give me information about the dog (medical or personal), let me see the dog (even if someone brings her to me), or (in the situation that they have to put her down) let me see her before they do it. They wouldn't even tell me if they were giving her a bath or if she was being taken for walks. Even if they feel it's in the dogs best interest to put her down, for health reasons, I would still want to be with her and make her last hour a great one. They refuse to make any commitments on contacting me if that's the case and I fear that (even though I call them everyday) I will call them one day, and she will have been put down without me having gotten the chance to see her one last time. On the phone, they even insinuated that I was the one who abused and abandoned her (I've never been more enraged). They also said that the person who did this to her would still be able to see and collect her. How is it possible that the monster who abused her has more a right to see her than the person who tried to rescue her and just wants to give her love and treats. I have no idea if people will read this or if it will even make a difference but I refuse to stand by and do nothing. Please sign this petition and help me in the fight against this fake "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals".

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