Surabaya Zoo has been called the zoo of death. The animals that live here are starved, abused, and it is even rumored that when they die (from unnatural causes) their valuable body parts are sold in the illegal wildlife trade. They are forced to live in cold cages with concrete floors. The giraffe Kliwon was killed after swallowing a wad of plastic the size of a beach ball! The facility is unclean and unsafe.

Demand that Surabaya Zoo be shut down and the animals be taken to a sanctuary! These animals deserve so much better than to rot in a cold, dark cell! They deserve freedom and peace!

Please sign and share for the animals who need your help so much!

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
We have reached 100,00+ signatures now on Surabaya Zoo: Shut Down Your Zoo of Death! Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared! Now, lets keep this momentum going!! Let's see if we can get to 300,000 or more! :) Share and send to friends! Thank you!
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