Don't Punish India For Developing Solar Power!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: United States Government, World Trade Organization

The Obama Administration has been advocating green energy sources to combat climate change, so why is it now taking action against India's efforts to develop solar power?

The U.S. is concerned with India's policy to source solar energy technology locally, and is seeking the World Trade Organization to enforce against this policy. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman says this policy discriminates against U.S. exports, which he claims breaks WTO rules.

India is currently reliant on coal and needs to transition toward solar energy to improve environmental health. The health of the planet should take priority over petty trade wars, and India should be free to use their own resources rather than exports if they choose. Please sign the petition to urge the U.S. Government to let India continue developing solar power!

As you know, the Obama Administration has been advocating green energy sources to combat climate change, so why is it now taking action against India's efforts to develop solar power?

The U.S. is concerned with India's policy to source solar energy technology locally, and is seeking the World Trade Organization to enforce against this policy. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman says this policy discriminates against U.S. exports, which he claims breaks WTO rules.

India is currently reliant on coal, and we believe the country needs to transition toward solar energy to improve environmental health. We feel strongly that the health of the planet should take priority over petty trade wars, and India should be free to use their own resources rather than exports if they choose. We respectfully urge you to put the planet over business interests and let India continue developing solar power in their country! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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