The 26th Annual Monster Shark will be held 7/19- 7/21 in Oak Bluffs

This is a tournament to try and catch the largest "monster" shark for trophies and recognition. With the recent visits of Great Whites to the Cape in Chatham, MA., the fishermen will surely be trying to catch and kill many sharks for a trophy. Please sign my petition to stop this, it's not any different than shark finning in my opinion and these sorts of trophy hunts should be stopped. How is this not animal abuse when they are singling out a specific species to hunt and kill? Like Rhinos and Elephants, our oceans' sharks are not a fast growing species and to continue exploiting them like this will help diminsh their numbers and then regrowth would take decades to replace them. I say stop it, TODAY, before it's too late. Thanks.
Here's their description of the event posted in an ad:

The 26th Annual Monster Shark will be held 7/19- 7/21 in Oak Bluffs. This event is the largest offshore sport fishing event in New England and draws hundreds of participants and onlookers to Oak Bluffs. Several State and IGFA All-Tackle World Records have been set in previous events and the excitement level is high for 2012.


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