Stop cutting down eucalyptus trees on Grand avenue

  • av: Bettinabelna H
  • mottagare: All citizens of Escondido and all concerned about vintage landmark trees

The tall beautiful old Eukalyptus trees in the center divide on Grand avenue in Escondido, CA, are to be cut down due to beautification purposes with phony explanations of being diseased, having bad root system, syphoning off water etc.. on the contrary the trees look healthy are in full bloom and have never harmed anybody or anything for probably over 50 years. The decision was driven by members of the Downtown business association, "hating" the trees. Many merchants the area are completely duped, the decision made without their consent.
The trees make Escondido a distinct landmark for many renown events such as "Cruising Grand" and art Walk etc. They provide shade and good, clean air with temperature lowering effects and ample carbon dioxide absorption. Save them!

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