Stop Horse Theft and Prevent Illegal Horse Meat Trade in Florida

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: St. Lucie and Okeechobee County Sheriff's offices

The quiet communities along Florida's Treasure Coast have recently been shaken by a series of distressing horse thefts. Even more disturbing, these thefts seem to be linked to the illegal horse meat trade – a cruel fate no animal deserves. Families have been left heartbroken, as cherished horses are ripped from their lives and likely sentenced to horrible deaths.

Sign the petition to demand St. Lucie and Okeechobee County Sheriff's offices investigate and find out who is stealing these beloved horses!

In just the past month, multiple horses, including beloved family horses, have vanished, feared stolen for slaughter. Local authorities suspect these incidents are connected, pointing to a sinister black market thriving at the expense of our community's welfare and animal safety.

We cannot allow this cruelty to continue unchecked. It's not just about the theft of property; it's about brutal attacks on living, feeling beings and the families who care for them. The emotional toll on affected families is immense, as they are left wondering the fate of their beloved animals.

Sign the petition to demand St. Lucie and the Okeechobee County Sheriff's offices do everything in their power to find these horse thieves and keep local horses safe!

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