Stop the Running of the Bulls in Toronto!

  • av: Debra Roppolo
  • mottagare: Mayor Rob Ford, Toronto City Council

On October 30th, six 2000-pound bulls will be run through the streets of Toronto to mark the opening of the 2012 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

The stress of transporting livestock has been scientifically documented and is widely accepted even within the livestock industry. Add to this being forced to participate in rodeo activities, the stress of being paraded around auction rings, and now being chased by cowboys up Bay Street in downtown Toronto, and what you have is a spectacle of animal abuse and exploitation masquerading as "entertainment." While other countries are putting a stop to barbaric activities like this, the City of Toronto apparently sees fit to start them.

We call on Mayor Rob Ford and Toronto City Council to revoke the permission given to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to hold this cruel and archaic event. Let's make Toronto the Good mean Toronto the Compassionate. Say no to animal exploitation in the name of "family fun."

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