Animal Registration system

Well I am tired of the horror stories about dogs and horses being abused, tortured stolen.  We need to try and put a stop to it.  I wrote to the Prime Minister last week suggesting a new system for registering pets(or any animal).  Instead of this pathetic passport system we have now why can we not get the animals DNA tested.  Their DNA is then logged on a registration card or document along with ...the owner's details.  Every time the owner changes there should be a simple online system to change the details.  If an animal is picked up its DNA can be checked and the owner contacted.  If they are not the current owner then they will be fined for not changing the details themselves on sale/handover etc.  Make an initial charge for the DNA test and documents which would cover admin costs for changes in owners details so updates are then free of charge.  People are more likely to do it if it is not going to cost anything.  The animals DNA never changes and is always there so no one can take it out/falsify it or tamper with it.  The cost of the initial test would reduce because of the number of tests to be done (making it cheaper).  I have six dogs and five horses so it would cost me quite a bit but it would be worth every penny to know that if someone stole any of my pets it could be traced back to me, It would make stealing pointless.  People would have to get rid of their pets with consideration and legally because strays and abuse cases would be traceable.  I want feedback.  What do you other animal lovers think.  Lets come up with a system the government cannot dismiss easily.  Let's stop the suffering.
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