Help Protect Innocent Bats From Massacre Because Of COVID-19!

  • av: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization

What is it going to to take to protect bats from ignorant people who want to blame them erroneously for COVID-19? Raising awareness.

Add your name if you want the CDC and WHO to dispatch worldwide notices education people about the innocence of bats!

"Reclusive, nocturnal, numerous -- bats are a possible source of the coronavirus. Yet some scientists concur they are not to blame for the transfer of the disease that's changing daily life -- humans are.

"Zoologists and disease experts have told CNN that changes to human behavior -- the destruction of natural habitats, coupled with the huge number of fast-moving people now on Earth -- has enabled diseases that were once locked away in nature to cross into people fast," reported CNN.

The worst part is, some misinformed people are blaming bats and seeking to wipe out whole colonies.

For example: "in northern Peru last month, locals had planned to attack and kill a colony of 200 bats with torches, a local website reported. Wildlife authorities intervened to rescue the animals and moved them to safety in a cave far from the town," according to The Independent.

And the USA: "in San Francisco, residents have been asking experts how to trap or kill bats, thinking it would prevent the spread of Covid-19 and save lives," per the same source.

There is only one way to stop the massacre of innocent bats: spreading the truth.

That's why we're asking the Center for Disease Control, as well as the World Health Organization, to send out a notice to all the nations of the world, asking them to inform their populations about the truth, so they will stop needlessly killing bats.

Don't you want to stop countless innocent bats from being scapegoated?

Then add your name to ask the CDC and WHO to spread the truth and end the misinformation causing the deaths of countless bats!

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