This Man Chopped Off a Street Dog's Snout Because It Was Begging for Food.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Sabah State Veterinary Services and Animal Industry Department

We are almost at a loss for words to describe this case of animal cruelty. But we will share it with you because it is so grotesque, so vile, that it demands attention and action NOW.

Brutal photos have surfaced of the chopped off the snout of a poor street dog in the state of Sabah, Malaysia. The muzzle was found lying in the dirt, its nose pointing up at the sky, teeth bared. Just by looking at it you can imagine the pain the snout's owner must have gone through. After it was discovered, the story of how the dog was abused began to surface.

According to accounts, a drunk local decided to chop off the dog's snout "for fun" because it was begging him for food. One day the street dog was minding its own business, searching for food, trying to survive in the concrete jungle, doing what dogs do. The next minute the dog's life was changed forever.

The dog was rescued by a local animal charity but because of its injuries, it is likely not to survive. Unfortunately, veterinarians are debating whether or not to euthanize the poor pooch to put it out of its misery.

Malaysian police are currently looking for the culprit but in a country where animal abuse punishments are notoriously lax, who knows what kind of punishment this thug will get unless we keep the pressure on the authorities.

Please sign the petition and tell Sabah State Veterinary Services and Animal Industry Department to find the subhuman that did this and prosecute and punish them to the fullest degree under Sabah's animal welfare enactment.

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