Tell the USDA: Improve Organic Standards for Farm Animals

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack
Animal welfare in the farming industry is a continuing concern. As consumers, we've been under the impression that organic meat comes from animals that lived under improved care standards — but that isn't necessarily the case.

According to the ASPCA, current USDA standards for organic animal welfare are weak — and companies get away with giving organic animals limited outdoor access and inadequate space to move.

Compassionate consumers expect a difference when they buy organic products. Animals deserve a happy, healthy life with room to roam around and move freely. The USDA is currently reviewing its standards for organic animal welfare, and the time to act is now.

Sign your name and urge U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to improve care standards for organic animals!
Dear Secretary Vilsack,

I'm concerned about the welfare of animals raised by organic farmers.

The organic label should set high standards for the animal's wellbeing, but the current standards for organic farming are weak, and companies are getting away with providing little room for these animals to move around while selling their product as organic and humane.

I'm writing today to ask the USDA to draft stronger standards for organic animal welfare, including adequate space to move, outdoor access, and freedom from unnecessary and painful physical alterations.

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