The Wildlife Recovery Association (WRA) in Michigan handles its educational birds in an inhumane and disrespectful manner. Instead of glove-training their birds like hundreds of other raptor programs around the world, they grasp them by the legs. While in hand, the birds are treated like toys instead of living creatures, as can be seen in this video. Not only are these birds being handled inapproriately, they are clearly being exposed to audiences they are not yet ready for, and their stress is visible: mouth breathing, drooped wings, biting handlers, and trying to fly away. If a bird is not ready for an audience, it should not be forced. This is NOT the proper way to present education birds.
We petitioners seek to have the WRA's education permits withdrawn until they are able to glove-train their birds. They should not be allowed to obtain new permits until they prove they are humanely handling the birds in their care, and until they develop an education program that shows respect for these awesome creatures.
This group, Wildlife Recovery Assn. was brought to my attention this afternoon by one of my UK Facebook friends. He posted the link to this short YouTube clip showing the unprofessional manner in which the kestrel was being handled and yanked around. And this Joe Rogers person is supposed to be a ‘raptor biologist’?
And when you look at their most recent blog entry, NONE of their ed birds are glove trained. These poor birds look like they would rather be anywhere but there.
There is no excuse for this.
Look how he makes the kestrel ‘dive’ – This is horrible.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this…
Group in question contact information:
Wildlife Recovery Association
531 South Coleman Road
Shepherd Michigan 48883
Email to USFWS - Assistant to Regional Director
Email to Michigan DNR -