This Bill Would Make Abortion Punishable by Death

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Co-sponsors of the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act

South Carolina Republican lawmakers recently introduced a bill that would make abortion punishable by death. It's no surprise that the bill is wildly unpopular and has generated severe backlash. Since it was introduced, nine of the bill's 24 co-sponsors have pulled their support.

Sign the petition to urge all co-sponsors of the bill to revoke their support of this dangerous and unprecedented bill!

This draconian bill literally considers abortion an act of homicide. Such an extreme and dangerous measure taken by Republicans should not be considered the norm. We must urge all other co-sponsors to pull their support of the bill!

Sign the petition to urge all co-sponsors of the bill to revoke their support of this dangerous and unprecedented bill!

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