Dire Straits Extended Dance Play and Mark Knopfler Comfort and Joy to be relesead on cd

  • av: Atmilinko Jubria
  • mottagare: Mark Knopflers Management (Paul Crockford Management) and Universal Records

"Extended dance play" and "Comfort and Joy" are the only two released by Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits that are not on cd, hey were released only as vynils in early 80's and out of print, what makes them hard to find for any Dire Straits or Mark Knopfler fans, in second markets and usually very expensives.

Release them in cd it would be very easy and will complete the DS and MK catalogue, so please sign this petition to Mark Knopfler´s management and their record company, Universal Records to get them release in cd.

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