URGENT: A kill permit has been filed with the City of Boulder that will grant a developer, on what is called the “Armory” property, the permission to annihilate a beautiful colony of prairie dogs this coming fall. The excuse for this atrocity is that there is nowhere for them to go!
We are asking the City of Boulder to open up 10 acres of our public land for these prairie dogs. Currently, 45,000 acres are set aside as Open Space and Mountain Parks to help preserve wildlife habitat.
We want the Open Space grasslands to teem with the native plants and the many threatened and endangered animals that depend on the prairie dog, a keystone species, for survival. City of Boulder, reassess your priorities for how these grasslands are managed and open up 10 acres for this beloved colony!
You can help! The survival of these beautiful prairie dogs depends on your actions! Please sign now to let the City of Boulder know this colony must be relocated as soon as possible onto City Open Space grasslands!
UPDATE: The City of Boulder and the Armory developer have agreed to move the Prairie Dogs to city owned land!!! We need to keep the attention focused on the details, because the agreement hasn't been finalized yet, but this is an amazing step, and due to your hard work!!!
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