Tell Ireland to enforce stricter Animal cruelty laws and bigger punishments for animal abuse!

  • av: Evan S
  • mottagare: Oireachtas, President of Ireland, Irish Government, EU union, Irish Parliament.

Everyday in Ireland, animals from dogs to horses are abandoned, beaten, used for fighting etc.. And the people who do this to the helpless animals what do they get? Less than a slap on the wrist!! Do not stand for animal cruelty being allowed, be a voice for our animals and tell the Oireachtas, the Parliament and the President that we will not stand for this. Our animals have a right to be treated with respect. Stand up for them. Please sign this petition to help change an animal's life today.

Animals cannot speak. Do not be afraid to be their voice! Do NOT stand for animal cruelty and do NOT stand for these horrible crimes going unpunished because animals don't matter to some. Make a difference, make a stand!

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