Strengthen the Thoroughbred

Each day, two Thoroughbreds lose their lives racing. This is not a petition to end racin, it is one to make it safe to the equine athletes. Running through almost all Thoroughbreds is the blood of the famous Native Dancer. Speed and brilliance described this horse, but so did fragility. He was cursed with weak bones. But his success caused massive breeding, and often, inbreeding was the result. Many of us do not realize how many horses die, for we only hear of the famous ones such as our beloved Barbaro, the brilliant Eight Belles, and the sacred George Washington, yet it is the lesser known who die daily.Race day meditation need to be banned, the inbreeding of Native Dancer and Raise a Native need to stop, and the trainers who put money before the horse need to be punished fully. As for strengthening the breed, it may require adding new blood from other breeds. The purity of the Thoroughbred may be lost, but it can be regained again. Below is a memorial dedicated to the fallen racehorses. Not all are  known, but this scratches the surface of the issue. We need the Thoroughbred stud book to be open to stronger breeds to prevent deaths. For the safety of our equine heros, let us press for this crucial change!

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