Cruel Wood Co Fair Catch a Pig Contest Must Go!

  • av: Jessica P
  • mottagare: Wood Co Fair Board, Ohio Dept of Agriculture, Wood County Commissioners

Despite public outcry demanding the Catch a Pig Contest be canceled last year, the fair board held the event at the Wood County Fair in Bowling Green, Ohio this past August 2017. Photographs clearly captured the cruel and inhumane treatment meted out to the pigs in pictures from the event these past few years.

It is obvious the fair board will not or simply cannot ensure the pigs will be treated humanely. For this reason, the Catch a Pig Contest must go. We are calling on the end of this inhumane tradition.

Respected Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Dr. Nedim Buyukmihci, commented specifically on the photographs provided in this petition. "In images I reviewed, it was evident that piglets were roughly handled, had their weight supported by being suspended by their hind legs and were swung in the air...Being suspended by their hind legs made the pigs subject to injury, particularly damage to ligaments and tendons or even dislocation of joints. ...At the very least...there would have been considerable stress, distress, or pain. In summary, there is no question that this type of treatment of animals is cruel and inhumane."

In addition, in 2017, the Wood County Humane Society's Board of Directors also wrote the Wood Co Fair Board asking that this event be canceled.
Despite all of this, the Wood County Fair Board has turned a deaf ear to experts who have deemed this event as cruel and inhumane and plan to hold this event again this year in August.

Please be a voice for these innocent animals by signing this petition right away. To increase your impact, leave a comment as well.

Thank you for Signing and Sharing this petition! Together we can and will put an end to this unnecessary cruelty.

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