Dog Hanged by Hunters in Villacañas

A dog named Yeni hanging by the neck from an electricity pylon in Villacañas.Her hind legs were deliberately kept on ground-level in order to achieve a slow and agonizing death.Under such horrific conditions, it must have taken this poor animal several hours before she succumbed to death, during which the pain and suffering she endured is unimaginable. It's been claimed this murder was committed by local hunters, in fact such incidents seem to occur on a regular basis. It is indisputable that this was an act of sheer evil. An individual who is capable of committing such callous and cold-blooded murder must be apprehended as soon as possible in order to prevent further acts of violence, and it is very likely that this person will commit further crimes.He must pay for what he did.

Sharing is caring and takes less than 30 seconds.Let Yeni get payback on her killer before it's to late

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