Stop Florida's Backyard Butchers!

A new wave of animal abuse called "backyard slaughter" is increasing in Florida. On makeshift farms, "hobbyists" torture, whip and confine livestock to small areas, then slaughter them and sell their meat on the black market. Children are often present at these botches slaughters, and unsellable biproducts are disposed of on site, sometimes in protected wetlands.

The sounds of these slaughters disturb Florida residents, and the animal byproducts pollute groundwater and endanger public health. Florida's humane slaughter laws prohibit this type of animal abuse, and backyard butchers carelessly violate the state's public health codes and animal disposal laws.

Please sign the petition to urge Florida state legislators to shut down backyard slaughter and raise awareness about the issue!

Dear Legislator,

A new wave of animal abuse called "backyard slaughter" is increasing in Florida. On makeshift farms, "hobbyists" torture, whip and confine livestock to small areas, then slaughter them and sell their meat on the black market. Children are often present at these botches slaughters, and unsellable biproducts are disposed of on site, sometimes in protected wetlands.

The sounds of these slaughters disturb Florida residents, and the animal byproducts pollute groundwater and endanger public health. Florida's humane slaughter laws prohibit this type of animal abuse, and backyard butchers carelessly violate the state's public health codes and animal disposal laws.

Backyard slaughter harms animals, citizens and the environment. We respectfully urge you to and awareness about this issue and work to stop backyard butchers in Florida. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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