Justice for Roxy Fox

Less than a month ago, Deputy David Eveleth, who is also our next door neighbor of 7 years, threatened to kill any of our dogs if they stepped foot on his yard........Well, the day of July 20th, 2013, he made that reality..... Our 13 year old Shar Pei had wondered outside onto our front yard, and without even a blink of an eye, our neighbor pulled out his gun, and shot her.... Just less than 30 seconds of her being outside. He continued by firing 5 more rounds, hitting her in the face, chest, hip, and leg. We found her in horrible condition, and immediatley rushed her to the vet. Unfortunetly, her heart was beating irregularly and her lungs were filling with toxins......He took our baby girl's life away from us. He stole our best buddy. He ripped out apart of our hearts. He didn't even call bother to call 911. Nothing but a shoulder shrug and a door slam. He won't talk to us, or try to put this to rest. He has security cameras hooked up all around his house, and three of those cameras are in perfect view of the incident. Him and his family will not let us view the recordings....... We all know that Roxy is innocent, and if she did in fact attack him, there should be no reason why he can't share his footage. We urge everyone to share and help get this guy show us the videos. People like him do not deserve to own a firearm. We need your help. Please share and sign this petition, in hopes that we will be able to see his cameras! We just want peace for her as well as her family. She is a harmless, innocent, furry ball of joy, that deserves justice. We all love you so very much. What a life to take... What a bond to break.

David Eveleth, SHOW US THE TAPES!

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