Stop Letpadaung Copper Project in Burma

  • av: Kyaw Win
  • mottagare: Prime Ministers of Burma and People's Republic of China

 Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. (money-making machine of the military regime) and Chinese company Wanbao have signed a contract to produce copper in Burma. The two companies have never considered about the affect to the environment and the consequences that are to suffer by the people living around the copper producing areas.  Letpadaung Copper Project in Moneywa is now a great issue.  Local people who live in the areas where the Copper Project is going to take place are now on strike, demanding to stop the project as the producing of copper is posing danger to the locals.   If the new government is  formed for the people who need political and economical changes of the country, they must listen to the people's voice because they represent people of all walks of life. In this connection, we must sign this petition and send to two presidents of China and Burma so that they must take action immediately before the project devastate the areas and their livelihood of the innocent people. Let's do it now.

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