OHIO: Don't Take Away Poor Women's Access to Birth Control!

  • av: A. Ward
  • mottagare: Ohio State Representatives

Ohio is currently considering a Bill that would effectively BAN birth control for low income women! But it doesn't stop with those women dependent on public health insurance. HB 351 is a sweeping piece of legislation that seeks to stop any woman from being able to use insurance for birth control!

According to ThinkProgress.org: House Bill 351, which was the subject of a committee hearing on Tuesday, seeks to prohibit insurance plans from covering “drugs or devices used to prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum.” That definition effectively bans several types of contraception, like the birth control pill and the IUD.

In addition, HB 351 does not include any exceptions for women who are raped or facing death due to pregnancy!

Tell the Ohio State Legislature not to pass Bill HB 351!

Dear William G. Batchelder
Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives

We (the undersigned) find it appalling for government to attempt to control a woman's reproductive system through legislation denying them the right to use public and private insurance to prevent unwanted pregnancies!

This measure is not only unethical it also puts an additional economic burden on citizens and government.

Please urge your fellow representatives to vote against Bill HB 351!


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