Demand Declawing to be Illegal!

  • av: Jordan Beatty
  • mottagare: American Veterinary Medical Association

Declawing any animal is an inhuman way to prevent cats for example from scratching up your furniture. There is a common misunderstanding that many veterinarians have you believe so they can make more money. The misunderstanding is that declawing a cat helps both the cat and you. Declawing a cat, however, cripples them because the procedure cuts off the piece of bone the nail is attached to, therefore making it painful to walk for the cat.

This cruel procedure can be done to both big cats and domestic cats. Many cats die from the place where the nail was get infected or they can get arthritis from walking in pain for the rest of their lives. A cat's nails are also a way to defend themselves, so many cats resort to biting if they are declawed. About 22 million house cats are declawed so far and many more will be unless we try and stop them.

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