Demand Equality & Equity in Online Universities & Colleges

As a disabled online student, I am requesting stakeholders to take the lead and revolutionize traditional and nontraditional education. Graduate students in most schools are not given honors, they are not properly accommodated, and may receive only the recognition of making the Dean's List. Branding a degree with distinction is an honor and can help graduate students in succeeding in job interviews. Omitting such distinction of honors is humiliating and degrading to graduate students. It devalues their potential, self-esteem, motivation, goals, and causes them to look down on the education system.

The issue is most online universities fail to recognize hard-earned GPAs. Latin honors of Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude should be mandated in all universities and colleges in every state. Some educational institutions omit these distinctions under a biased philosophy of inclusion, diversity, and equity. If any, deserve such honors it is the online graduate student because they have proven themselves to add continuing education to their list of goals to accomplish. Americans have very busy lives and pausing to return to increase in knowledge and learning is an admirable act. When honors are awarded it amplifies the significance of learning.

Here is a response from the University of Phoenix concerning a 3.97 GPA:

Congratulations on getting close to the end of the program. You have worked so hard and have the grade point average (GPA) to be on the Dean's List. That is a great accomplishment!

At this time Master's students do not get an honors designation on their diploma. Honors recognition is for Bachelor's students only.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Tina Lytle
4025 S. Riverpoint Pkwy., Phoenix, AZ 85040

Have you read the above email sent to me? It almost reads as the person is mocking the fact that no distinction will be awarded and the most that they are willing to award is the "Dean's List" distinction. I have earned 28 credits and am 6 credits shy of graduating from UOPX, why was I not informed of this policy? During this period, I've never received a student handbook in the mail or through email.

It is also true that students are prevented from graduating. Although they complete the program, the finance dept adheres to policies that restrict their income until they are nearly done with courses. For example, the term was split into two, and funds were extracted in total while leaving a balance. Any other loans were rejected and this generated a balance. The funds for the second term are being held until June 17th. I graduate July 2021 and the regalia should have been ordered in April or May for the commencement ceremony. In a nutshell, I'll have to miss graduation. It was not enough to strip students of honors. They are being stripped off of the right to graduate.

I am calling all stakeholders to take a stand against this unfairness! Adult Education learners deserve more than what they are being charged. If any brand, we deserve one of honors and distinction. We deserve better educational services, we deserve to be recognized, to be valued, to be honor before our peers. We do not deserve to be stripped of the above because we are protected classes. Please consider signing my petition and telling stakeholders no more mediocre educational standards. Set it ablaze!

"Equality versus Equity

Equality is depicted as equal input. Equity is depicted as equal outcome (Open Learn, 2020)."

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