• av: Alisha Becker
  • mottagare: David Suliteanu, Edward Lampert, Terry J. Lundgren, Hubert Joly, Myron E. Ullman

Retail employees only get 2 holidays a year guarenteed with their families. Whether you are religious or not it is a guarenteed day of freedom to spend with loved ones. And now the Retail Industry is pushing the boundaries even further just to get a couple extra bucks. Say Hello to the Death of Thanksgiving. Retailers across the country are now opening their doors on Thanksgiving Day and requiring employees to work or risk losing their jobs. There must be limits to what the employees are required to do for job security. In America there are few holidays left or days left that workers in the retail industry are allowed to have with their families. At what expense will the consumer go to-to save $10 on a vaccum? Your shopping habits and dollars are funding the loss of someone else's right to spend time with their loved ones. Now they are FORCED to work. MAKE THE PLEDGE TO BOYCOTT SHOPPING ON THANKSGIVING AND GIVE RETAIL EMPLOYESS THEIR HOLIDAY BACK. Retailers that are opening on Thanksgiving are Sephora, Macy's, Gap, Kmart (6am on thanksgiving day), Kohls, JCPenny, Ann Taylor, Best Buy, Sears, and more jumping on the bandwagon. If no one shows up they will close their doors! 

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