We Support the SFSU Occupation

We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with those who occupied the Business building, (or the Oscar Grant Memorial Hall, as it has been renamed) on December 9, 2009.

We recognize that the actions taken on Wednesday reflect a profound anger on the part of the students, and a refusal to accept the powerless role they have been assigned by the SFSU administration, the CSU Board of Trustees and government officials up in Sacramento.

For year after year, students have patiently listened to authority after authority direct them to a different authority to whom they should petition their case. And year after year, we can attest to the fact that students have done just that.

Students have taken buses to Sacramento. They've sent faxes to Arnold Schwarzenegger. They've petitioned the CSU Board of Trustees. They've protested their meetings. They've had protests at school and numerous walk-outs. They've had sleep-in's. They've had creative days of protest filled with art, song and dance.

And yet, year after year nothing has changed. Wednesday, December 9th, was an act of desperation. Students issued a statement-- these are dire times: NO BUSINESS AS USUAL!

We reject any attempt to label students frustrated with budget cuts as violent, reckless, careless or apathetic about the interests of other students. Over the years we've seen the tireless work and organizing of students who have worked patiently and diligently on this issue, and they deserve respect.

We condemn any and all efforts to retaliate against, punish, or sanction the students involved in the occupation, and further insist that the administration meet the demands that were raised by the occupation.

At the very least, we demand that the President open up a public dialogue with students so they may air out whatever grievances they have and engage in a productive discussion. It is unfair and wrong to deem students complaints and demands illegitimate without engaging in a two-way discussion with them.

Supporters of the SFSU Occupation
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