We demand the END of beagle breeding, vivissection and cruel animal experiments in Brazilian Univers
Ir is long known that animal experiments and vivissection are unethical and present no real gain to science's real development nor to sudents' training and learning. Nevertheless, many universities in Brazil __ second-class universities, needless to say __ still breed beagles for that end, and insist on maintaining these practices on their classes and researches.UEM, on Parana; UNISUL, UFSC, UDESC, UNIVAL on Santa Catarina; and many others)Many of these students end up by leaving their training, for not wishing to participate on such cruel and senseless brutality.We demand that these animals are freed and put to immeadiate adoption, and that these universities start employing the alternative research methods available, with considerable gain for human and animal rights in an immediate future, not to mention the reliability of their scientifc publications.
Portuguese version of the text:
Nos, abaixo assinados exigimos que as universidades brasileiras sejam obrigadas a fechar seus bioterios e que sejam impelidas a substituir imediatamente a utilizaçao dos metodos de vivissecçao e experimentçao em animais, substituindo-os pelas alternativas cientificas eticas ha muito do conhecimento da moderna ciencia. Exigimos, ainda, que estes animais sejam imediatamente libertados e postos para adoçao. Isto trara vantagens imediatas para os alunos destas instituiçoes, que nao mais serao obrigados a se submeter a este tipo de participaçao nestas praticas crueis e desnecessarias, que hoje a muitos obriga a abandonar seus cursos. Tais medidas trarao uma imediata melhora em relaçao aos direitos humanos e animais envolvidos nesta insustentavel questao.
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