stop the slaughter of whales and dolphins

Today's Oceans are The World's Future!

I am outraged by the slaughter of dolphins and whales that takes place in Japan. The images of bloody red water clearly show the world that Japan has little respect for the state of the world's oceans.

Many scientific studies show that the oceans are in decline. We must take whatever actions are necessary to stop their over-exploitation and to protect the creatures that live in them. These dolphins do not belong to Japan. It is an unthinkable waste that they will likely end up as a meat product or deceptively sold as whale meat, polluted with toxic levels of mercury and cadmium, killing the people that eat it.

In addition, the methods used to kill these animals are cruel. Driving the dolphins into a cove, confusing them with loud noises, and then spearing them, leaving them to slowly die is an inhumane method of fishing. This action is disgraceful and has caused much disappointment in the international community.

We demand that Japan permanently and immediately renounce and stop this slaughter.


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