Tell Capstone Collegiate Communities to Stop Killing Prairie Dogs in Fort Collins, Colorado Now!

  • av: Lisha Doucet
  • mottagare: Rob Howland, John Vawter, and Ben Walker, Principals of Capstone Collegiate Communities

The Fort Collins Prairie Dog Relocation Group in Fort Collins, Colorado, has spent countless hours working with the City of Fort Collins and three landowners around Lemay Avenue to find a relocation site for prairie dogs living on property that will be developed. The City of Fort Collins has allocated suitable land in a city-owned natural area as a receiving site for the imperiled animals. The group has been working with the Humane Society of the United States - Prairie Dog Coalition to ensure a safe and successful move and to take into account the constraints of the developers.

Capstone Collegiate Communities, one of the three landowners, had originally indicated that they were willing to participate in this relocation project. Then, on March 11, they suddenly changed their mind and immediately exterminated at least half of the prairie dogs on the property.

Sign the petition to tell Capstone Collegiate Communities to stop the extermination and continue working with the Fort Collins Prairie Dog Relocation Group to relocate the remaining prairie dogs.

Dear Mr. Howland, Mr. Vawter and Mr. Walker:

We are petitioning you to stop the extermination of the prairie dogs on your property east of Lemay Ave in Fort Collins, Colorado. We ask that you continue to work with the Fort Collins Prairie Dog Relocation Group to move these animals to open space designated by the city as a suitable receiving site.

The Fort Collins Prairie Dog Relocation Group in Fort Collins, Colorado, has spent countless hours working with the City of Fort Collins and landowners around Lemay Avenue to find a relocation site for prairie dogs living on properties that include yours. The City of Fort Collins has allocated suitable land in a city-owned natural area as a receiving site for these imperiled animals. The group has been working with the Humane Society of the United States - Prairie Dog Coalition to ensure a safe and successful move and to take into account your scheduling constraints.

We presented a proposal for prairie dog relocation to Mr. Davis Maxwell on Jan 31, 2016. He indicated that the company was willing to work with us, and we assured him that we would meet a deadline of May 15. Then, on March 11, Mr. Maxwell informed us that the company had changed its mind and would not work with us. When we checked the site two days later, half the prairie dogs on the property had been poisoned.

We ask that you please stop killing the prairie dogs on your property and continue to work with the Fort Collins Prairie Dog Relocation Group to safely move these prairie dogs to a new home.


The Undersigned

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