Nova Scotia is currently the only province with no bear rehabilitation. Nova Scotia has a terrible track record for bears. In September 2020, a DNR officer shot and killed an orphan bear cub in the Blockhouse area. Similar cases of DNR officers shooting bears and deer were mentioned on social media.
In June 2020, a bear cub was rescued and brought to Hope for Wildlife. Despite the best efforts of Hope for Wildlife to ask that the healthy cub be saved, the cub was seized by Department of Lands and Forestry and destroyed.
There is no Nova Scotia law mandating the destruction of bear cubs. Department policies are guidelines that can be changed at any moment.
In 2019, Hope for Wildlife successfully cared for an orphaned black bear cub, Lila, who was brought in by the DNR. The DNR did not allow Hope for Wildlife to continue to rehab her, and they brought her to a New Brunswick facility.
I am a Quebec resident who follows the work of Nova Scotia's Hope for Wildlife online. I was saddened to hear that bear rehab and release is not allowed. It is allowed in Quebec and Ontario. Please allow bear rehab.
Please also allow adult deer and moose of all ages to be rehabilitated. Please, in the memory of Bluenose, allow non releasable adult deer and other non releasable animals to stay at sanctuaries like Hope for Wildlife.
Instead of shooting or lethal trapping nuisance animals or animals in human conflict, please work with Hope for Wildlife to use humane, peaceful, non lethal methods to live with deer, bears, coyotes, beavers, and other potentially dangerous or structurally damaging animals.
Please also remove the bounty on coyotes. Please allow coyote rehabilitation. Please replace the bounty with education.
Hope for Wildlife is one of the best wildlife rehabilitation centres in Canada. They are linked with top notch veterinarians. Please allow them to rehabilitate and release, and, if need be, provide long term care for all wild animals living in Nova Scotia.
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