Save the New Zealand Film Industry

  • av: RW
  • mottagare: The National Government needs to take immediate action to help bring the NZ Film Industry away from the cliffs edge.

As we know the New Zealand Film Industry, particularly Auckland, is facing its biggest downturn ever.

(and its not looking too hot elsewhere in NZ either)

Thanks to a number of factors including the high dollar, uncompetitive tax rebates and a Government who seem happy to sit back and watch the disaster unfold, our multi billion dollar Film Industry is at risk of dissapearing. Many skilled freelance workers are struggling or heading offshore, local businesses are folding or downsizing, it will take years to rebuild if we let it fail. 

We want a strong Film Industry for all of New Zealand.

Tell the National Government we need action not excuses, they have had ample time to work out a plan.

Sign the Petition and if you have a moment tell them your views.


Prime Minister John Key:

Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce:


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