After witnessing the horrendous treatment of Australian animals in the Middle East, I am appalled that this cruelty has been allowed to continue for so long. It is gut-wrenching to realize that Australia has been supporting this trade of horror and agony.

While the Australian government conveniently turns a blind eye to the cruelty of the live export industry, the horrendous images of animals being brutalized have reached US soil. Australia is gaining international attention as animal abusers and sending the message to other nations that Australia will do anything for a profit – including the torture and inhumane slaughter of its own animals.

You can witness the unbelievable cruelty inflicted on Australian animals on this video If, after watching this video, you continue to allow the export of live animals you should hang your head in shame – you are culpable for the suffering these innocent animals are forced to endure.

The only way to improve Australia's reputation with the rest of the world is to ban the export of live animals. You have the power to protect these animals from further brutality. End this cruel trade once and for all.

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
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