
  • av: Quadeer Shakur
  • mottagare: Owner of WorldStarHipHop, Lee Q O'Denat

WorldStarHipHop has continuously defrauded the public with false claims of HipHop authenticity. WorldStar HipHop is NOT HipHop in any sense of the word, and have failed to respect our culture and the codes and principles we were founded on. Hip-Hop Culture has FOUR SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES: Peace, Unity, Love and Havin' Fun! We DEMAND that add a DISCLAIMER to their site that they do NOT represent Hip-Hop Culture, or STOP calling themselves HIP-HOP

PEACE! Please sign our petition to DENOUNCE any assocation with Hip-Hop Culture and this rag mag called WorldStarHipHop. This site is a fraudulent website that DOES NOT REPRESENT TRUE HIP-HOP CULTURE!

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