Northeastern University: Don't Fund Animal Fighting With Taxpayers' Dollars!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Northeastern University Psychology Department

The Northeastern University Psychology Department is training laboratory hamsters to fight, injecting some animals with steroids, cocaine or other aggression-promoting drugs, and pitting them against non-drugged animals, according to a report by the Associated Press. After several of these fighting matches, experimenters kill the hamsters and dissect their brains.

These trials have been funded by over $3 million taxpayers' dollars since 1996. They may also violate Mass. laws against animal cruelty and fighting.

Enough hamsters have died at the hands of experimenters, and taxpayers do not want their money to finance cruelty toward animals many see as pets. Please sign the petition to urge Northeastern University to stop using taxpayers' dollars to fund cruel experiments!

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your practice of using taxpayers' dollars to fund hamster fighting experiments.

Cruel tests of hamster aggression, as we understand, have been funded by over $3 million taxpayers' dollars since 1996. We believe these tests may violate Mass. laws against animal cruelty and fighting.

Enough hamsters have died at the hands of experimenters, and taxpayers do not want their money to finance cruelty toward animals many see as pets. We respectfully urge you to stop using taxpayers' dollars to fund cruel experiments. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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