Justice to Kshama Chopra

  • av: Arpan Das
  • mottagare: Gurgaon Traffic police, Delhi Police, India

Our dearest childhood friend Kshama Chopra is no more with us.On the evil date of 5th May2012,she was traveling back from Hospital after her father's check up> as their Tata Indigo car was approaching the road intersection at IFFCO chowk Metro station at Gurgaon, one rich brat driving a BMW dashed the ill-fated Indigo at a speed of 150 km/hr. The impact of the collision was so terrific that the Indigo flew and rolled several times before landing the ground.Our dearest friend succumbed to her injuries on the spot.The most saddening fact is that she was pregnant.

The total family is in trauma and injured as most of them were in the same car.Her mother is in coma with both hands and legs fractured.Her husband has multiple fractures in his pelvic.Her father has a broken backbone with multiple injuries.

Why we should sign this ?

  • Our friend departed so early with no fault of hers but of others.
  • The driver of BMW was intoxicated at the time of driving (as per reports).
  • The rich brat driver escaped from the site safely. No one dared to catch hold of him.
  • The police has not yet arrested the culprit driver.
  • Delhi has become the accident hub with most reportable road accidents in the country.
  • Delhi Police does nothing to stop traffic violations.
  • Most of the culprits go free, as most of them are either very rich or they come from some political background.

We must protest this act of laziness and corruption in police services.and raise alarms for the traffic violations on the roads, so that no one has to give their lives due to the fault of others.We want justice for our dearest friend and her unborn baby, that the culprit driver must be arrested ASAP and put behind bars for due punishment.Then only our dearest friend's soul will rest in peace.

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