Repeal new

  • av: Robert Gallo
  • mottagare: Prime Minister and Tourist Director of Bahamas

To stop unfare additional fees for peple visiting the Bahamas

Dear Prime Minister and Cabinet Members attached is a petition signed by over 1000 people objecting to the new processing fees on general aviation.  It is our hope you will reconsider and drop all new processing fees for general aviation as it will have a definite impact on the future number of visits to your beautful islands. You will notice that a very large percentage who signed the petition are Bahamian who feel this will have a negative impact on their economy.  There are also a large contingent who have second homes in the Bahamas and have invested large sums of money and directly contribute to the welfare of the community.  Eliminating the outbound fee was a very good step but we hope you please consider eliminating the inbound fee as well and consider some other type of funding.
Respectfully submitted.  

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