Save Our Field and Our Wildlife

Our field has been here for 10 years +. We have a family of Muntjac Deer. They are so quiet, small and cause no hassle. The were originally imported from the area of China to the UK and other areas. The Council want to build 30+ houses. Please sign to save our field from being destroyed. Helping me with my campaign and signing this petition will save their home and other wildlife. 

Since discovering that we have Reeves Muntjac deer on our field, we have had so much joy in watching how they live and watching them grow. They have been here at least 10 years to our knowledge and the field has been there even longer. The council want to build 30+ houses. Although quite a few people put in a claim against it, it wasn't enough. Now I alone am starting a campaign and petition to stop this from happening but please, I need your help. It will also help to save all our other wildlife there too. Together, let's make this stop!

Thank you 

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