End Dolphin Captivity in the UAE: Protect Marine Mammals from a Life of Misery

    Dolphins, intelligent and social marine mammals, are currently held captive in several locations in the UAE, including places like Dubai Dolphinarium and Atlantis, The Palm. These dolphins are often forced to perform tricks, interact with tourists, and live in conditions far from their natural habitat. The confinement causes both physical and psychological harm. Dolphins in captivity endure stress, limited space, lack of social interaction with wild counterparts, and are deprived of their natural behaviors, leading to shorter lifespans and deteriorated well-being.

    Several countries, such as Canada and India, have already banned dolphin captivity, recognizing the cruelty involved. It’s time for the UAE to follow this compassionate lead.

    We call on the UAE government to enact legislation that prohibits the capture, breeding, and display of dolphins and other cetaceans in captivity. These animals should be rehabilitated and, where possible, relocated to marine sanctuaries that mimic their natural environments. Furthermore, dolphin interaction programs should be replaced with ethical alternatives, such as virtual or educational experiences that raise awareness about marine conservation without causing harm to these majestic creatures.

    By banning dolphin captivity, the UAE can lead the region in marine animal welfare and contribute to the global movement against animal cruelty.
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