The FDA Must Ban Red Dye No. 3 to Protect Public Health from This Dangerous Additive

  • mottagare: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
During the holiday season, corporations heavily market brightly-colored treats to children. But most families don't know that these neon-colored candies and snacks are harboring a toxic additive that's made from fossil fuels. That additive is called Red Dye No. 3.

Red 3 is a synthetic food coloring made from petroleum. It's found in a wide variety of foods, including colorful candies, cereals, snacks, and beverages - especially in things marketed specifically to children. And despite alarming evidence linking it to significant health and neurological risks, it's still allowed in the United States.

Luckily, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently reviewing a petition that may finally lead to the agency banning this hazardous additive from our food.

Sign the petition to demand that the FDA ban Red Dye No. 3 immediately and prioritize the well-being of millions of Americans over the interests of food manufacturers!

Studies have established that Red 3 is extremely unsafe in a variety of ways. For example, 23 clinical trials have identified a link between synthetic food dyes like Red 3 and behavioral problems in children, including symptoms resembling ADHD. Other research has shown that Red Dye No. 3 causes cancer in animals.

As a result, back in 1990, the FDA banned the use of Red 3 - but only in cosmetics and topical drugs in the U.S. If it's too dangerous for our skin, why is it still allowed in our food? Right now, children around the country are eating food with this fossil fuel-based synthetic dye!

This dye serves only one purpose: to make food look more attractive and marketable. It's not essential for taste, nutrition, or safety. Its continued use prioritizes corporate profits over public health. As U.S. Representative Frank Pallone Jr. rightly said, "There is no reason for this additive to be in food except to entice and mislead customers" - especially children.

That's why numerous countries worldwide as well as the entire state of California have banned this dye.

By signing this petition, you are standing up for public health, advocating for safer food standards, and protecting our children from unnecessary and preventable harm. Add your name today to call on the EPA to remove Red Dye No. 3 from our food supply!
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