Overturn Montana's vicious anti-trans law!

Fresh off of banning their only trans lawmaker from entering the statehouse, Montana Republicans passed a draconian anti-trans law that banned gender-affirming medical care for transgender kids, which the governor has signed into law.

Rep. Zooey Zephyr was punished for speaking out against the bill in frank terms, telling her fellow representatives that "I hope the next time there's an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands. So you say what is on your heart, which is this bill is going to kill people, and if you vote for it, you are complicit in that." Sadly, she is absolutely right.

Repeal Montanta's vicious anti-trans law!

Not only would this bill prevent anyone new from receiving trans care, but it would also force those already in the process to detransition, heaping psychological harm upon them and putting their lives in danger. Studies show the passage of anti-trans legislation leads to a direct increase in internet searches about suicide and depression; 82% of trans youth have considered suicide at one point and 40% have attempted it.

Lambda Legal and the ACLU are filing legal challenges against the bill, which is set to take effect on October 1st. These decisions need to be made by trans people and their families, NOT politicians with an ideological agenda!

Demand the courts overturn Montana's vicious anti-trans law!

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