Please Save The Homeless Animals Of India That Suffer Every Single Day!

  • av: Shabnam S
  • mottagare: The National Government Of India

Recently, my family and I took a trip to India to meet our relatives. We travelled to numerous cities and were horrified at the treatment of animals in the country. In almost every street you cross, injured dogs and cats can be found. Thousands of cows roam the streets with barely enough food to survive.

There are many carcasses of innocent animals, many that have starved. I have come across so many creatures that burn under the hot Indian Sun, but have no homes to go to. They often have to dangerously cross traffic-heavy roads in search of food and shelter.

Animal rights must be brought to the attention to the government immediately. The cruel mistreatment of animals does not end here. Elephants, camels and horses are used for the entertainment of tourists and the public, without any regard for the animal's well-being. Innocent elephants often have to take the public on rides for hours without a proper break, and this must change immediately.

Please sign this petition and join me on my fight for change. If we do nothing, more innocent lives will be taken and more innocent creatures will continue to suffer.

Thank you so much for your continuing kindness and generosity.

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