Make GWAR Action Figures

As you know, Shocker Toys attempted to make GWAR action figures, but couldn't get them on the market. I feel they deserve another chance. Sign if you agree. Also, if you'd like, list the GWAR characters you'd like to see in the lineup. Here's my list : Blothar, Oderus, Balsac, Beefcake, Jizmak, Flattus, Pustulus, Bonesnapper, The Slaves, Sexecutioner, Slymenstra Hymen, Vulvatron, Sleazy P. Martini (each come with weapons, instruments, and human limbs), The Destructos (Techno, Bozo, and Sawborg), The Morality Squad (Edna P. Granbo, Corporal Punishment, Private Parts, C.I.A. Special Agent Cerutti Fancypants, Dr. D. Bill Attaited, and Tiny), Cardinal Syn, Syn's Minions (complete with ray guns and nunchucks), The Master, Jewcifer, Mr. Perfect, Super Cyborg Jesus, Scroda Moon, Jitler, Skulhedface, The Flesh Column, The Mutant Penguins, Robo-Sleazy, The Pig, Toe E. Namel, General Zog, The Antarctic Ant, The Mutant Cockroach, The Jagermonsta, Gor Borg, The Reaganator, and Gor Gor. Thank you for your time.

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