• av: Jana DiCarlo
  • mottagare: Thomas B. Wine, D. A. of Jefferson County

Not Graphic.

Two men in Louisville, Kentucky were arrested and charged with animal cruelty after their home was found with injured pit bulls. Police suspected that they were conducting dog fights on the premises, as several of the dogs had bite marks and injuries on their necks and faces.

Police were called to the home of Robert Dickerson and Edward Bryant when a neighbor called to say that they heard gunshots coming from the property. When police entered, they found one pit bull with bleeding wounds that suggested signs of having been in a fight. Police also found a room that had blood on the floor along with empty syringes and penicillin. Dickerson and Bryant were both arrested on felony animal cruelty charges.

Though dog fighting is a felony offence, it unfortunately still continues. In order to deter future dog fighting rings, we must demand that Robert Dickerson and Edward Bryant receive the maximum sentence  associated with felony animal cruelty under Kentucky law of : 5 years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

Unless the crime is punished in full, the law will continue to be taken lightly and these fights - along with concomittant cruelty and associated criminal activity such as drug dealing, ilegal weapons deaing will continue unabated.

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