• av: Jo Anne Allen
  • mottagare: The judicial system of Union County Georgia

On the night of January 4, 2013, Eric Shane Dyer, Marty Carlton Johnson and Seth Richard Skinner trespassed onto my fenced property and stole, tortued and killed my beloved pet goat Mercy.  I have a small heard of goats (seventeen) but Mercy was the one they killed because she was the one who was most tame, she was very friendly and would come up to visitors to be petted.  The three perpetrators/defendants were arrested and were indited by the Grand Jury in Union County (Blairsville, Georgia) in July 2013.  Now this case against Eric Shane Dyer, Marty Carlton Johnson and Seth Richard Skinner is on the Union County arraignment calendar for October 31, 2013.  The call of the calendar begins at 9:00 a.m..  I believe that if people would sign my JUSTICE fOR MERCY petition, the judicial system would be made aware of just how disgusted people are about this crime.  All three defendants have been charged with aggravated animal cruelty (a felony in the state of Georgia) and also Marty Carlton Johnson is charged with a DUI.  These three perpetrators came onto my property and stole Mercy who was just being a goat in her own pasture.  They tortued her and pulled her behind their pickup truck down the road and shot her and left her along the side of the road like a piece of trash.  They are the trash.  I want everyone to know what they did to my goat Mercy. I want them to go to jail for what they did.  I do not want them to make a deal with the District Attorney's office and not go to jail.  These individuals are bad and should be made to pay for what they did.  They did this to my beloved pet Mercy and now I want JUSTICE FOR MERCY. 

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