Petition for a UN Resolution to Ban GMO Foods Worldwide

    We, the undersigned, call upon António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, to take immediate steps toward initiating a UN Resolution to protect global public health and security by banning the production, introduction, and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) worldwide. Representing the voices of 193 million people across the 193 UN Member States, we express deep concern over the serious health risks and threats to food sovereignty posed by GMO foods.
    1. Increased Pesticide Use: GMO crops have significantly increased glyphosate (Roundup) usage, worsening herbicide resistance and environmental degradation.
    2. Cancer Risks: Glyphosate, used extensively on GMO crops, is classified as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO).
    3. Organ Damage: Research demonstrates that GMO maize causes liver and kidney damage in animal studies.
    4. Digestive Harm: GMO potatoes have been shown to damage cells in the small intestine.
    5. Liver Toxicity: GMO soy is linked to liver damage in laboratory animals.
    6. Stunted Growth and Mortality: Studies on rats reveal that GMO soy consumption leads to growth retardation and higher mortality rates.
    7. Infertility: Evidence indicates GMO soy causes reproductive damage and infertility in animals.
    8. Mass Sterilization Risk: Certain GMO crops are reported to contain genes that impair fertility, posing a grave threat to population health.
    9. Blood Cancer: GMO-related toxins have been associated with an increased risk of blood cancers, such as leukemia.
    10. Nutritional Deception: Claims about enhanced nutrition in GMO yellow cassava and golden rice have been debunked as false or misleading.
    11. Beta-Carotene Deficiency: GMO golden rice contains insufficient beta-carotene to offer meaningful health benefits.
    12. Threat to Natural Agriculture: GMO crops jeopardize the livelihoods of natural seed growers and undermine global food sovereignty.
    We urge the United Nations to prioritize the health and well-being of all people, protect the integrity of natural agriculture, and safeguard the environment by passing a resolution to ban GMO foods worldwide.
    Join us in creating a GMO-free world. Together, we can secure a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come.
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