President Biden Approved One of the Largest Oil Projects in History. Sign to Stop the Willow Project!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. President Joe Biden
President Biden has just approved one of the largest oil projects in history, the Willow project. The $8 billion oil drilling scheme is targeting the Willow oil reserve in Alaska, and sits on the largest parcel of untouched public land in the U.S. Giant oil corporation ConocoPhillips wants to drain this reserve that sits on gorgeous, undisturbed wilderness -- even though it is also an important habitat for polar bears, caribou, birds, and more.

Approving the Willow project goes against President Biden'shis campaign promise to end drilling on public lands and his promises to help prevent climate chaos. Now that he has announced his bid for re-election, it is more important than ever to hold him and his administration accountable to protecting our lands and our fututer. We cannot allow this environmental disaster to move forward!

Sign now to demand that U.S. President Joe Biden reverse course on the Willow project. He must uphold his campaign promises and drop this project in Arctic Alaska!

Increased emissions from this project threaten everyone on earth. Scientists are warning that we have barely a decade left to curb catastrophic warming of the planet. So why is President Biden actively expanding fossil fuel projects?

To make matters worse, drilling in northern Alaska would threaten polar bears - which are very endangered - and so much other precious wildlife. Many of these species are already threatened because of climate change, and approving the Willow Project would be even more devastating.

Despite all this, the Willow project is currently the largest oil-drilling proposal in the entire United States. Extracting fossil fuels on the reserve would not only further chain the U.S. to dirty energy; it will also damage the entire ecosystem through the construction of mines, pipelines, roads, airstrips, processing facilities, and more.

The Biden Administration promised to be a leader in fighting climate change. This means no more drilling for fossil fuels. Sign the petition now to tell President Joe Biden to drop the Willow project. Instead, he must commit earnestly to expanding our clean energy economy, not digging us deeper towards more dirty oil and gas!
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